REACH Construction Updates

Bridge Refugee Services

Provides opportunities for refugees to rebuild their lives in Knoxville through helping them learn English, gain employment, and engage in local activities, so that they become productive, contributing members of the community.

Campus House of Prayer

A space at UTK where hundreds of students, dozens of campus ministries, and churches of different denominations and backgrounds gather to seek God together and catalyze a movement for Christ on campus and in our city.

Children’s Nutrition Program of Haiti

A non-profit organization working to fight malnutrition and create sustainable solutions to end poverty in Haiti.

Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee

Helps those diagnosed with cancer, and their families, through support, education, and hope, so that no one faces cancer alone.

CONNECT Ministries

A “Christ-centered, hands-on” community information networking resource center. This non-profit organization provides in-house services, network referrals, dissemination of information, “gap” programming, community organization, resumes, job readiness, employment searches, housing services, and referrals for individuals who need help finding help.

Contact Care Line

Highly trained crisis-line specialist volunteers who are ready to provide compassionate, non-judgmental help for anyone needing emotional support. They will not tell you how to solve your problem, but will help you figure out what options you might have.

East Knox Free Medical Clinic

Provides medical care to anyone in East TN, regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. A food Pantry and clothing closet are offered once a month on Mondays. A free lunch is served prior to the clinic from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 pm

Emerald Youth Foundation

Utilizes a neighborhood ministry model in their work with young people and families across urban Knoxville.

Epilepsy Foundation of East Tennessee

Leads the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and to accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.

Family Promise

Helps homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.

FISH/Hospitality Pantry

A non-profit, all-volunteer organization that provides food packages to more than 8,000 families each month from four Knoxville locations most accessible to people in need. In addition, more than 2000 families receive food bags each month from associate locations in Claiborne County and Knox County. 

Florence Crittenton Agency

Operates residential and outpatient treatment programs on its 26-acre Knoxville campus, and has more than four decades of experience providing outreach programs in conjunction with schools, court systems, and other community partners, as well as providing a range of other programs and services to the community. 

Free Medical Clinic of America

Seeks to provide our underprivileged neighbors in Knoxville with the health care they deserve, without relying on the government to respond to this need.                                                                                

Gideons International

An Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While often recognized for its work with hotels, the Gideons also distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them.

Habitat for Humanity

An independent, non-profit, ecumenical Christian ministry that partners with people of all beliefs. Knoxville Habitat for Humanity has been an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International since 1985.

Interfaith Health Clinic

A non-profit health care ministry that serves the low-income, working uninsured and underserved in East TN. They have a caring team of health care professionals who promote health. Their small group of paid staff is joined by a large number of volunteer doctors, nurses, dentists, and other specialists.

Intervarsity/UT/Julian Reese

Promotes the renewal of the whole university as it focuses on graduate students and faculty, while networking with various academic departments and other university entities, to consider the Truth of Jesus Christ as He speaks to the various academic disciplines and as He responds to students’ questions.

Jesus Is My Savior

Provides food, personal hygiene supplies, household cleaning supplies, and spiritual needs to a community at risk.

Knox Area Rescue Ministries

Provides emergency shelter and food to homeless men, women, and children and offers recovery services to those seeking a way out of drug and alcohol abuse.

Knoxville Fellows

Seeks to increase God-principled leadership in Knoxville by equipping and developing the next generation of servant leaders to seek the peace of our city.

Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach (KICKO)

Takes the gospel to children living in Knoxville’s inner city. Its most visible feature is “Sidewalk SONday School” street ministry.

Office on Aging / Connecting Hearts (Knoxville Knox County CAC)

Provides extra help and companionship to Mobile Meals and Office on Aging clients who have been identified by program staff as extremely socially isolated and having limited access to food.                     

Knoxville Leadership Foundation/Amachi

Focuses on five important components of community life to ensure overall health within the city: 
Family, Youth, Housing, Racial Reconciliation, and Economic Development.

Knoxville Leadership Foundation / Compassion Coalition

A faith-based nonprofit, a division of the Knoxville Leadership Foundation, consisting of 231 churches in Knox County that are committed to moving beyond the walls of our church buildings to be the compassionate presence of Christ in the midst of the poverty, pain, and brokenness of our community.                                                                 

Knoxville Young Life

Introduces adolescents to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith. Since the 1940’s, leaders in YL have been showing young people across the nation how much God cares about them by showing up in their world and sharing the message of God’s love through Jesus in ways and words they can understand and relate to.

Living Waters for the World

Exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water”—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.

Locked Down on the Outside

A non-profit organization based in Knoxville, Tennessee, that tries to reach young people before they become incarcerated. The program is designed to engage our youth in a weekend of activities which include discipline, teamwork, and an introduction to Christ.

Montgomery Village Ministry

A Christian presence in the village since 1975, providing an opportunity to offer Christ to its residents, expanding the Gospel by inviting the lost to accept Jesus, seeking to transform every family.

Nativity Pageant of Knoxville 

Combines a cast of 90 fully-costumed adults and children, a 200-voice choir, a 20-member orchestra, moving narrative, realistic sets, authentic costumes, and live animals to create a powerful presentation of the Christmas story, involving hundreds of volunteers from the Knoxville area.

Porch de Salomon 

A unique and progressive, non-profit ministry which, since 2005, has loved, served, and encouraged “the lost, the least, and the last” of Guatemala’s Lake Atitlan basin.

Reformed University Fellowship, UTK 

A UT organization that seeks to build a community on the college campus that reaches students of divergent beliefs and doubts with the message of the gospel and equips them to love and serve Jesus and His church.

Reformed University Fellowship, International

A UT organization that seeks to welcome students and scholars from around the world so that their experience here at UT is the best it can possibly be.

Restoration House of East Tennessee 

Walks alongside low-income single-parent families, helping them break harmful cycles and regain hope and a future through supportive transitional housing, ally teams, family advocacy, and youth development.

Second Harvest Food Bank/Pond Gap Backpacks 

Leads the effort to compassionately feed East Tennessee’s hungry and toengage the community in the fight against hunger.

Steps House

Has been affectionately referred to as “The Home of Unconditional Love” for 25 years. With its founding principles of integrity, love, compassion, and a deep desire to help others, Steps House has opened its doors to thousands of men and women who sought refuge from the devastation caused by the disease of addiction and the ravages of homelessness.

Team Expansion/Syrian Refugees 

Provides both physical and spiritual necessities to refugees. This outreach has been in partnership with the local church since its beginning in 2012. Team Expansion’s mission is to serve with love and compassion, showing refugees who Christ is through action.


Ministers to at-risk youth in the Lonsdale area to share the Gospel through relationships anchored in the love of Christ. The goal is to accomplish this through three main programs: Thrive Afterschool, Thrive Summer, and Mentoring.

UKirk UTC 

Welcomes and ministers to UTC college students, providing free lunches each Tuesday and worship Wednesday evenings, offering hospitality to any and all, while exploring religion and social problems.

UKirk UTK 

UKirk (meaning “University Church”) is a not for profit, network of ministries supported by the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are charged with reaching, loving, and teaching college students so they may be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. The Presbyterian Center is an historic house located just next to Presidential Courtyard. Their doors are open from 8am until 11pm each weekday during the school year for students to come by and hang out.

UT Medical Center Chaplain Training

Provides spiritual and emotional care for patients, families, staff and visitors at The University of Tennessee Medical Center. Chaplains understand that assisting with spiritual and emotional needs is an important part of caring for the whole person. Care is available to people of all faiths. Through clinical pastoral care, chaplains demonstrate the spiritual dimension of the hospital’s mission and strengthen the relationship between the medical center and religious communities at large.

Vine International 

The mission of Vine International started by stuffing vehicles with donated medical supplies and driving them down to Guatemala where the need was overwhelming. All these years later, they still are working hard to help people in need and learning how to be more effective – they are able to get more supplies to more people who need them, for less money.

Volunteer Ministry Center

Strives to end homelessness by utilizing case management and permanent supportive housing, and to prevent homelessness by providing a variety of prevention services including Minvilla Manor.

Wears Valley Ranch 

Offers a Christian home, education, and counseling to children from families in crisis. Their vision is to see each child inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach their full potential. For up to 32 children, the Ranch provides year-round, Christ-centered homes complete with loving house parent couples and college-age mentors who give spiritual, physical and emotional support. The children also receive intensive individualized counseling from counselors.

YOKE Youth Ministries 

Impacts middle school students by equipping passionate, faithful mentors to help those students discover their identity and purpose in Christ. Founded in Knoxville in 1977, YOKE now has programs at 30 schools across Knox, Anderson, Blount, Jefferson, and Grainger Counties. YOKE helps transform communities through four primary areas of impact: mentoring middle school students, equipping young leaders, engaging local churches, and enriching local schools.

SHPC “In-House” Ministries:

Community Luncheons

Disaster Relief Fund

Medical Mission Trips

Knox Area Rescue Mission (KARM) Meals

KUB Support

SHEEP Scholarships

SHPC Food Pantry

For more information, contact Mike Ewell, Committee Chair.