Nursery | Birth – 23 Months
Childcare: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 Noon | Main Level of the Spitzer Education Building
Infants and Toddlers (Room 204)
We are delighted to have your baby join us! We believe that infants and toddlers are important members of our faith community. We are confident that when these little ones are in the program, they will feel comfortable and secure, will engage in stimulating activities, and will experience the love God has for all children.
“Play and Worship” leader, Meghan Diddle guides this special worship time for infants and toddlers during the Sunday school hour. Babies experience music based play-along Bible stories. These are multi-sensory experiences for babies to explore God’s truth with tactile softies and visual stimulating illustrations.
Preschool | 2 Years – Kindergarten
9:45 – 10:45 a.m. | Main Level of the Spitzer Education Building
2 and 3 year-old class (Room 220) | 4 year-old class (Room 224) | 5 year-old and Kindergarten class (Room 226)
Preschool Sunday school teachers reinforce three basic truths:
- God made me
- God loves me
- Jesus wants to be my friend
During Preschool Sunday school, children experience God’s love and care through lessons taught from the Bible. With this curriculum, teachers and shepherds use unique games, snacks and crafts to help preschoolers learn about God. “Hands-on Music” takes place each week during Sunday school with our traveling music teacher. The children enjoy singing and using a wide variety of musical instruments including handbells.
Extended Care (2-3 years) during the 11:00 Worship | 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Room 220)

Kingdom | First – Third Grades
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. | Lower Level of the Spitzer Education Building
The KINGDOM Sunday School uses a Workshop Rotation Model form of Sunday school for grades first through third. Each Sunday, children, rotate to a different center: games,
drama, art, storytelling, cafe, and media.

Kingdom | Fourth and Fifth Grades
The fourth and fifth grades have their own Sunday school class taught by volunteers. In this class they will learn how to journal and reflect on the stories of the Bible. Each week they will begin with a devotion and a time to reflect on the past week- highs and lows! They will end the Sunday school hour with doughnuts and prayer.

Children & Worship | 4 Years – 1st Grade
Children and Worship is a unique and exciting approach to meaningful worship for and with young children. The program calls for a structured time with children based on an outline for worship found in most Reformed and Presbyterian churches – we Gather in God’s Name, we Proclaim God’s Word, we Give Thanks to God, we Go Out into God’s World. This approach translates the religious language of biblical stories, parables, and liturgy into concrete materials which children use to retell the stories of the Christian family themselves. Children and adults are drawn into the stories together as they experience, rather than merely learn, about worship.
Children & Worship is offered for children ages four to first grade. Participating children go to worship with their families for the first part of the 11:00 a.m. service. Following the Children’s Time, children go with Mary Emily Morris to the Children & Worship center located in the lower level of the Spitzer Building. In the worship center, children experience worship through a Montessori-based program of singing songs, hearing a Bible story, and doing a craft. Parents pick their children up from the worship center directly following 11:00 a.m. worship.

Mary Emily Morris, Director of Children’s Ministries
Pictured with husband, Rusty, and daughters Caroline and Mary Handly.