We EQUIP people for discipleship through Christian education and NURTURE and love each other
through fellowship as a family of faith.
SHPC is passionate about getting people in healthy small groups!
“So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Small groups are key to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to God. Two important aspects of our L.I.F.E. groups are Fellowship and Discipleship. We believe these values will help develop strong disciples of Jesus, and the main goal of every group is to help people become disciples who make disciples.
Jesus modeled His ministry through creating a small group of twelve disciples who were relationally connected (Fellowship), and structured on His teaching (Discipleship). We seek to follow this model in how we do L.I.F.E. groups.
Every group is Relationship Centered. We expect participants to develop meaningful, authentic, gospel-focused groups where members feel known and needed.
Every group is Scripturally Structured. The level and type of study from the Bible will vary from group to group but must be central to every L.I.F.E. group.
Spring Sessions
This group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one – whether that loss happened recently or some time ago. Each week includes a topic on grief in a video put together by experts in the field. Acknowledging that God is the Healer of all wounds, all materials are Christ-centered and Biblically-based. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Mondays from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (January 27-March 24)
Where: Media Room
Leader(s): Sandy Gillespie, Karen Lampley, and Sheila White
Study TBD | An in-depth knowledge of the Bible is not required to benefit and enjoy participation in the group. Reading just a Bible chapter or two each day, you will discover life-altering stories that invite you to follow Christ as a true disciple. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Weekday from 12:00-1:00 pm (TBD) | Where: Spitzer Building, The Loft
Leader(s): Peter Blackwell
Remember Who You Are | Join us to hear “The Word of the Lord” through the study of various prophets. This is an in-depth study and minimal Scripture reading is expected so it enriches group conversation. This group meets every other second Monday with a format of DVD, discussion, and application. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Monday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm (begins 9/9) | Where: Spitzer Building, Room 318 (2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12)
Leader(s): Participants rotate/optional
Topical Bible Study | A year-round lecture-based group goes deep into Scripture and includes a time of fellowship and prayer. Just show up or >CLICK HERE to register for online participation.
When: Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 am | Where: Room 322 and via Zoom
Leader(s): Fran Dotterweich
The Lord’s Prayer for Today| A six-week study with author Rev. Bill Carl, Jr. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Wednesdays 6 pm (beginning 1/22) | Where: Room 318
Leader(s): Rev. Bill Carl, Jr. and Mark Lampley
Knitters and Stitchers | All are welcome, seasoned cross-stitchers and knitters, and newbies without experience. Equipment will be provided. We will be cross-stitching bookmarks and gifts for the newly baptized and knitting baby blankets and prayer shawls to encourage those who are sick, sad, or grieving. During our time, we will enjoy life together, share stories and concerns of the church, and pray for those needing support. Just show up or >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm (join anytime) | Where: Room 320
Leader(s): Anna Dale and Robin Anderson
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, & Song of Solomon for Everyone| Come on a walk through Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. We hope you’ll join us! Invite a friend! Free childcare provided as space allows. >CLICK HERE to register online.
When: Wednesdays 9:20-10:20 am | Where: Spitzer Building, Room 320
Leader(s): Frances Howell
James: Guidelines for a Happy Christian Life by John MacAuthur | “The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in the Jerusalem church. During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution. Out of compassion, James wrote this epistle to confront them and motivate them to test the quality and consistency of their faith. Pastor John MacArthur will take us through the book of James, passage by passage, so that you can better understand this short but powerful book and how James gives us practical guidance on issues that also measure our true faith and our spiritual fruitfulness. James calls all believers—then and now—to live a life that demonstrates saving faith marked by godly behavior.” (MacArthur Bible Studies) Free childcare provided as space allows. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Wednesdays 9:30-10:30 am | Where: Zeanah’s Home
Leader(s): Caitlin Zeanah
Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older by Alice Fryling | “Aging Faithfully explores how to navigate the journey of retirement, lifestyle changes, and new limitations. We all age differently, and God calls each of us to new spiritual birth as we mature. When we embrace the aging process, we grow closer to God and experience his grace as he renews us from within.” >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 pm | Where: Room 319
Leader(s): Christine Gale and Klair Kimmey
Topical Bible Studies | A year-round, lecture-based group that goes deep into Scripture and includes a time of fellowship and prayer. >CLICK HERE to register.
When: Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 pm (join anytime) | Where: Via Zoom
Leader(s): Fran Dotterweich
Subjects include various Bible and topical studies. The Thursday group is for men twenty and up. The main focus is on books of the Old and New Testaments. >CLICK HERE to register for either study.
When: Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 am & Fridays from 7:00-8:00 am
Where: Chick-fil-A, Bearden/Zoom
Leader(s): participants rotate
We will offer hikes of varying lengths and difficulty each month. Most will be kid-friendly and some will even be pet-friendly. CLICK HERE for more information.
When and Where: Days, times, and locations vary
Coordinator: Mark Lampley, mlampley@sequoyahchurch.org
CLICK HERE for brief video
Below are some frequently asked questions about L.I.F.E. Groups. If you have further question, contact our L.I.F.E. Groups Coordinator Klair Kimmey at kkimmey@earthlink.net.
A L.I.F.E. Group is typically made up of 8-15 people who meet weekly to share, study, and support one another. A trained leader will host each group. An average meeting lasts an hour.
Groups meet on various days and nights of the week at the church (some meet off site). Meeting times vary depending on the needs of the group.
Each L.I.F.E. Group session lasts 8 to 12 weeks. We have Fall, Winter & Spring sessions. At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, leading a group, or even taking a break. Most Small Groups do not meet July through August.
Joining a L.I.F.E. Group requires a 8 to 12 week commitment to attend weekly meetings and do the homework (if applicable) ahead of time. Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts and other special events. This commitment is the key to a strong L.I.F.E. Group.
The church provides childcare for some groups. This will be listed under the group description.
When selecting a group, we strongly recommend you choose a group based on its leader, the day and time of the meeting, and the type of group that will best help you grow in your current season in life. Most groups do best when members share a common interest with their leaders and other group members.
Adult Ministries
9:45 – 10:45 a.m. | on-site and zoom
Current topics of study for each class are listed weekly in the Sunday bulletin.
You can find more detailed information on Sunday school and small group offerings in our Christian Formation Brochure. Click HERE for our 2024-25 Brochure.
- Adult Fellowship (Room 319): Mostly young adults.
- Bible Discovery (Room 318): Adults of all ages.
- Biblical Imagery (Room 317): Adults of all ages.
- Faith Gatherings (Room 320): Mostly middle-age adults.
- Faith Practices (Room 322): Mostly middle-age and older adults.
JOY Fellowship
JOY Fellowship (Adults 55+): The committee meets on the second Monday of every other month at 12:30 p.m. in Room 232 to plan events to make sure that all our members are busy and connected.
- The Church & Community Fellowship Luncheon is on the second Thursday of every month (Sept-June) at Noon in the Fellowship Hall. The luncheon features a guest speaker every other month.
- Monthly Outings provide great opportunity for fellowship.
- The Monday Movie Matinee is the fourth Monday of every month (except for holidays) at 2:00 p.m. in the Media Room. All adults are welcome! Light refreshments will be served.
Young Adults
SHPC Young Adult Ministries includes those in college, graduate school, young professionals, and families with young children. College-age adults are welcome to join us in worship and Sunday school.
- The Presbyterian Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UKirk – U for Universty; Kirk is Scottish for Church) is part of a national network of campus ministries of the PC(USA). Just a few miles from SHPC, it offers weekday collegiate Bible studies, services, events, and much more! Click HERE for more information.
- SHPC believes strongly in the need for young adults to connect with one another regularly in fellowship and faith. Young adults gather weekly in worship, Sunday school, Bible study, fellowship, and service. Events include swim parties, supper clubs, sporting events, and picnics. Service is age-oriented and includes Operation Backyard each spring and inter-generational outreach such as food and housing service. Some ministry opportunities are designed for couples, while others are more child-friendly so there is something for everyone.
- Young Adult Volunteers: If you are under 30 and would like to serve for a year, either nationally or internationally, click HERE for more information.
Women’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries Description for Women’s Ministries coming soon.
WOMEN’S ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT | December 3, 2024 | 7:00 p.m.
WOMEN’S RETREAT 2026 | TBD at DreamMore Resort in the Smokies
Annual Camping Trip
“Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! Young men and women alike, old and young together!”
When? | October 25-27, 2024
Where? | Big South Fork Bandy Creek Campground, E-1 Loop
Cost? | $60 per family covers your campsite, firewood, and four meals
Want more information? | Check out the SHPC CAMPING BROCHURE
Join our Hiking Club!
Everyone is welcome on all hikes. There is also a club component to challenge us spiritually, similar to how a hike can challenge us physically.
Membership requirements and qualifications: Go on one club “sponsored” hike. Sponsored hikes = 1 mile or more | Memorize a new-to-you Psalm (or any 1 chapter of the Bible)
Click HERE for more information. To sign up for a hike, email Pastor Mark at mlampley@sequoyahchurch.org
Our next hike is March 29, 2025 to Ramsey Cascades in the Great SMoky Mountains.
Adult Resources
HONORING THE SABBATH: The following are a few resources that can help us better understand about how “to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy” from the Ten Commandments (Exodus chapter 20). Mark invites Sabbath discussion with anyone who is interested before, during, or after his summer Sabbatical (May 22- August 3).
- Alan Fadling’s Unhurried Life,
- MaryAnn Dana’s Sabbath in the Suburbs,
- Walter Brueggemann’s Sabbath as Resistance,
- Marjorie Thompson’s SoulFeast (especially chapter Reclaiming Sabbath Time: A Sacred Art of Ceasing)
- Wayne Muller’s Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives
Getting Spiritually Fit:
- Prayer to Welcome the Sabbath
- Sabbath Scriptures
- Reflections on Sabbath
- Sabbath Books and Resources for Further Study
- Celebrate Baptism
- Keeping the Sabbath (Part 1 of 2)
- Keeping the Sabbath (Part 2 of 2)
- BEING Still
- SPIRITUAL FITNESS- Find a Deserted Place
Getting Mentally Fit: