REACH Construction Updates

International Missionaries

International Missionaries have always been a very important part of our stewardship responsibilities.  For more detailed information regarding our Missionary Support, please contact committee chairs Kent and Dianna Koebke. Newsletters and videos from our missionaries are posted under pictures if available.

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” Romans 10:13-15 (NRSV)

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Savior and that all people everywhere are called to place their faith, hope, and love in Him. –From SHPC Statement of Faith

The International Missionaries Committee has oversight of foreign missionaries, international benevolence funds, and international mission trips (excluding youth trips). This includes selection, monetary support, and development of relationships.  -Committee Mission Statement

Missionaries We Currently Support

Andrew | London

“There are approximately 1.5 million Muslims in this diverse and wonderful metropolis. I share the gospel through outreach, follow up with those who are interested, and begin to develop relationships where the Bible can be introduced.  

Please pray with me that as I share, God would open hearts to receive salvation by understanding who Jesus Christ is. God is working to reach London for his Glory!”

I am very thankful to each one of you for your support in prayer and through giving. As I have been overseas sometimes people stop giving as well as churches refocus their finances. There has been a short fall of about 15% in monthly support for staying in London. I would like to humbly ask if you are willing to pray about giving for the first time? Possibly increasing your giving? The amount I am looking to raise would be $800 more in monthly support. I know that God is faithful to provide in every season. For more information, contact Kent or Dianna Koebke.  Thank you!

Committee Liaison: Ben Garris


Sebber Banda and Carlos Faquione | Mozambique

The holistic evangelism project in Mozambique’s Tete Province has helped the Presbyterian Church of Mozambique establish more than 80 new congregations in the last 20 years.

Sebber Banda assumed the leadership position of the Holistic Evangelism Project after the sudden death of Rev. Nedson Zulu in November 2018. Rev. Carlos Faquione serves as the Assistant Project Director.

Committee Liaison: Donna Kedrow

Christmas Card address: The Outreach Foundation, c/o Barry Long, 381 Riverside Dr #110, Franklin, TN 37064

Newsletter Video CarlosVideo 1 SebberVideo 2 Sebber

Andrew and Iris Bornman | Mexico

Andrew and Iris Bornman run the agricultural program of the Community Health Evangelism team, training Tarahumara farmers in better agricultural and animal husbandry techniques.

Their intention from the beginning of their ministry has been to combat malnutrition through teaching agriculture, and taking advantage of every opportunity to call men to repentance and salvation.

Committee Liaison: Brad Jaquith

Christmas Card address: C/O Rick Johnson, 1249 Desert Canyon Dr, El Paso, TX 79912


Robert and Rima Burch | Israel

Robert and Rima Burch minister in Israel working with Operation Mobilization (OM) sharing the gospel and growing home churches.  The majority of their time is spent getting the gospel out and following up those who respond.  Robert is also helping oversee and grow a house church network throughout the land.  As OM adds new team members, they help train them.

Committee Liaison: Rosemary Gilliam

Tim and Debbie | Brazil

Tim and Debbie serve with The Antioch Partners (TAP).  Tim is the Business as Missions (BAM) Coordinator for TAP, focused on raising awareness of BAM and mobilizing new BAM practitioners. Tim and Debbie are also involved with an organization which makes loans to BAM businesses around the world and serve as mentors to BAM practitioners in some of the most spiritually needy parts of the world.

Committee Liaison: Philip Campbell

Christmas Card address: 2929 Schoolside Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37128


Botho and Gisela Heinz | Germany

Botho’s ministry with Theologischer Schulungs-Service (World Reach) started out in the Soviet Union and was focused for years in Russia and Ukraine. He has also developed ministries in Poland, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Pakistan, Croatia, and Moldova. His ministry is centered on church leadership development and providing Biblical education through theological schools, Bible Institutes, and the local church.

Committee Liaison: Fran Dotterweich

Christmas Card address: Sathelstr. 9, D-35708 Haiger, Germany


John McCall | Taiwan

John McCall has been serving as a PCUSA mission co-worker in Taiwan for over twenty years.  Taiwan is only four percent Christian, so the church there witnesses to Christ’s love with a spirit similar to the church in the time of the Apostle Paul. 

John teaches at two seminaries in Taiwan. He has written four books on Spiritual Theology. He mentors and helps pastors find encouragement to develop intentional communities. He also leads retreats and conferences for youth and young adults. 

Committee Liaisons: Jordan Simmons

Christmas Card address: No. 20, Lane 2, Sec. 2; Yang Teh Rd, Shihlin; Taipei 111 Taiwan


Betsey and Eric Moe | Guatemala

Betsey is serving as a facilitator for the Intercultural Encounters Program of the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA). She is part of the team that receives visiting groups, plans and facilitates their educational program and itinerary, interprets, and leads reflection discussions.

Eric looks forward to using music as a way to connect with people in Guatemala and will serve in ministry in the home with their three school-age children.

Committee Liaison: J. Corbitt

Christmas Card address: c/o CEDEPCA Guatemala, 8a Avenida 7-57, Zona 2 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala 01901


Bob and Kristi Rice | South Sudan

Bob is teaching at Nile Theological College (NTC). Please pray for these students at NTC, who sacrifice and face many challenges to pursue a call to ministry.

Kristi is working with the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. One priority for the church is Healing and Reconciliation as nearly everyone is traumatized by the long years of war, and tribalism causes ongoing tensions and conflict.

Committee Liaison: Sonny Leach

Christmas Card address: 205 Lake Shore Circle, Bloomington, IL 61704


ETSC | Egypt

The Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo is also supported through SHPC’s International Missionaries Committee.


Missionaries not listed for safety reasons

Printed brochures with information about these missionaries are available in the church office.

Websites for International Benevolence Funds


Porch de Salomon  >Click HERE                   
Children’s Nutrition Program Haiti  >Click HERE                               VINE International  >Click HERE