REACH Construction Updates




The Adult (Chancel) Choir is led by Andrew Skoog, along with organist Eunsuk Jung, and consists of SHPC members and several talented scholarship students. The choir leads the 11:00 Worship Service every Sunday morning.  Join the choir. Only a love of music is required! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. Email Andrew for more information.

The KidsPraise Choir (for K-6th Graders) is led by Karen Lampley. Choir rehearsals begin in August, but your child may join at any time. Email Karen for more information.


The Flower Guild’s purpose is to enhance worship services in the church by bringing fresh flowers arranged by members to the Sanctuary. The presence of flowers symbolized Christ’s victory over death. Each time we arrange flowers we experience the joy and privilege of taking a beautiful and precious gift from God and creating a living offering to Him.  Questions? Email Kathryn Callaway.

  • Join the Guild: Each person brings a special and unique talent to the committee’s work whether as an experienced arranger or a first-time arranger. You will be assigned to work with an experienced member of the Guild.
  • Provide a Flower Arrangement: If you would like to provide flowers on a Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one (or for a special event such as a baptism), please contact the church office to see if your preferred Sunday is available. The cost is $150 for one arrangement and $200 for two.