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3700 Keowee Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37919
Dottie Arnett, Director | Peyton Drysdale, Assistant Director

SHEEP follows Knox County Schools’ schedule for weather related updates

– Our Mission –

“Serving the Shepherd, tending His lambs.” John 21:16

SHEEP provides a Christian environment for the development of physical, spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of children. We offer families creative experiences where the whole child can develop a love of learning in an atmosphere of safety and security. SHEEP employs a variety of teaching methods to strengthen Christian values, a moral conscience, and a sense of community and responsibility.



Growing Up Safe and Strong (PS 4-6): This is the curriculum provided by the TN state day care licensing system. All childcare centers are required to teach this to children ages 3 to 5. It includes several units: personal safety, water safety, safe touch, and taking care of our bodies.

Creative Curriculum (PS 1-6): This is the general curriculum philosophy used by the SHEEP program. It focuses on children learning skills through play. Learning occurs both during structured and unstructured play activities. It includes “hand on” learning in areas such as science, math, cooking, literacy, music, and outdoor play.

Biblical Curriculum (PS 1-6): We focus on a variety of Bible memory verses throughout the year. We also plan a Chapel time (PS 3-6) each week as part of SHEEP’s enrichment activities. In addition, we read Bible stories to the children often as part of our daily lessons.

Learning Without Tears (PS 3-6): We incorporate a variety of lessons from the Learning Without Tears curriculum. This includes handwriting, math, phonics, and literacy components.


    Our staff combines teachers with degrees in early childhood education and experienced caregivers. All teachers participate in continuing education seminars, workshops, and conferences throughout the year.

    SHEEP maintains a low teacher-child ratio and provides a nurturing environment to foster trust, security, and love within each child. Teachers are available to discuss a child’s progress with parents as needed. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year.

    Click HERE to see our teachers and staff.

    Monthly Tuition 2024-2025


    2 Days/Week $300/month
    3 Days/Week $400/month
    4 Days/Week $500/month
    5 Days/Week $600/month


    Registration Policy

    Children must be 18 months (age by August 15) to be eligible to enter the program. Registration begins in February each year. Priorities for available openings and preferred days have been established as follows:

    • Children currently enrolled and their siblings
    • Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church members as of December 31 of the year prior to applying
    • Children in the community
    • Scholarship students have priority and spaces will be held for them until available funds have been allocated.*

    Upon acceptance into SHEEP, non-refundable registration fee of $100 and one month’s prepaid May tuition are both required to hold the space, payable within one month of acceptance into the program. An annual $50 activity fee is charged at the start of each year. Tuition is billed monthly, August – April. 

    If it becomes necessary to withdraw a child after the May tuition is paid, 50% of the May tuition payment, excluding registration fees and acitivity fees, will be refunded only under the following circumstances: the withdrawal of the child is necessitated by the family’s moving outside the metropolitan area or the ill health of the child or family member (with appropriate documentation).

    Written notice must be given to the Director two weeks prior to the first day of school if the child is withdrawing before the beginning of school; two weeks notice is required prior to the child’s last day if the child is withdrawing mid-year.

    *Partial scholarships are available; email the Director for an application.

    Contact SHEEP

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