REACH Construction Updates



Dr. Jay Howell
Dr. Jay Howell

Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Mark Lampley
Rev. Mark Lampley

Senior Associate Pastor | Christian Formation and Congregational Care

Rev. Ben Garris
Rev. Ben Garris

Associate Pastor | Missions, Outreach, and Fellowship

Dottie Arnett
Dottie Arnett

SHEEP Director

Shannon Catron
Shannon Catron

Communications Manager

Peyton Drysdale
Peyton Drysdale

SHEEP Assistant Director

Sonya Ewell
Sonya Ewell

Office Manager

Becky Guyton
Becky Guyton

Ministry Coordinator

Eunsuk Jung
Eunsuk Jung


Tony McBath
Tony McBath


Mary Emily Morris
Mary Emily Morris

Children's Director

Madi Myers
Madi Myers

Youth Director

Rev. Janna Preston
Rev. Janna Preston

Minister for Congregational Care

Jeff Rose
Jeff Rose


Kate Smith
Kate Smith

KidsPraise Choir Director

Andrew Skoog
Andrew Skoog

Director of Music

Eileen Taylor
Eileen Taylor

Finance Administrator

Tim Thurston
Tim Thurston

Business Administrator

Our Officers

ELDERS serve on the chief governing body of the congregation, the Session. Because the Session is charged with the spiritual guidance of the congregation, ensuring the faithfulness of our mission in Christ, and overseeing the church’s activities, an Elder should have gifts of spiritual maturity, wisdom, and dedication to the church and our mission in Christ.  DEACONS are called to selfless service, modeling the type of service and care Christ showed his disciples and all in need. Because our SHPC Deacons lead our congregational care ministries, they should have gifts of wisdom and compassion, and a calling to serve in the areas of outreach, visitation, and prayer.

Current Officers