REACH Construction Updates



Sundays at SHPC

Worship Services are at 8:45 Front Lawn/Barron Hall and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Click HERE to watch the 11:00 service live or to view archived services.

  • Assisted Listening System devices:  If you have trouble hearing the service, devices are available at the back of the Sanctuary for your use. These small units broadcast from our sound system and are received on a small handheld device with an earphone. You can adjust the volume to suit your needs. If you already use one and still have trouble hearing the service, talk to an usher and/or notify the church office.
  • Children’s Worship: Children & Worship is offered to children ages four to second grade during the 11:00 Service. Participating children will go to worship with their families. Following Children’s Time, children go with an adult leader to the Children & Worship area located below the Sanctuary. All children should be picked up immediately following the service.
  • Worship Committee Mission Statement: Our purpose is to worship, glorify, and honor God by gathering together as a community of believers where the faithful are equipped for God’s service in the world. Our corporate worship will be reverent and mindful of our devotion and service to God as we read Scripture, celebrate the Sacraments, praise God in song, confess our sins, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to enhance the worship experience and encourage the people to participate fully and regularly in the worship life of the church, so that all will be renewed by the Holy Spirit and grow as disciples of Christ.

Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.

  • Adult Fellowship (Room 32): composed of mostly 30-40 year olds exploring what the Bible teaches about faith, marriage, and parenting. We value biblical knowledge, lively discussion, fellowship with one another, and other outreach ministries.
  • Bible Explorers (Chapel and Zoom): composed of all ages of adults studying both the Old and New Testament through lectures and other teaching methods to encourage understanding and application of the Scripture.
  • Biblical Imagery (Room 317): co-taught by Kenan Smith and Rev. Ben Garris, this class focuses on Biblical imagery, starting with the Garden of Eden. There will be presentations on the same Scripture, followed by a time of discussion.  If you don’t normally attend a class, please join us! Click HERE to learn more. A Zoom option is included in the Sunday morning email.
  • Faith Gatherings (Reception Room): composed mostly of adults in their 40s through 60-something, but all are welcome! Led by Pastor Mark, the class will study and discuss a range of topics and Christian articles with the intent to inform and transform. A time of fellowship will precede a time to learn and grow.
  • Faith Practices (Room 322): This Bible-based adult class studies how faith is applied in daily life.  The format intentionally varies throughout the year between video presentations and discussion, interviews of guests about faith practices important to their journeys, and studies devoted to specific topics of interest.  All ages are welcome.  A Zoom option is included in the Sunday morning email.
  • In-Betweeners (Room 232):  geared toward young adults (20-early 30’s) seeking community and growth in faith, whether one is sure or skeptical. Led by Pastor Jay, this class focuses on tough questions facing faith and a Christian worldview.

Click HERE for Children’s Ministries | Click HERE for Youth Ministries