We WELCOME all people to a journey of faith in Christ.
Update: November 9, 2021 – MASKS OPTIONAL
With cases thankfully having decreased significantly in our area, our Session has determined the time appropriate to adopt a “Masks Optional” policy for all church activities indoors, effective immediately. As our elders continue to monitor the situation, we encourage everyone to remain respectful of each other as we continue sharing life and ministry together.
Update: September 1, 2021 – MASKS / DELTA VARIANT
With the current increase in COVID cases due to the spread of the Delta variant,
- the Session of SHPC strongly encourages and requests that all wear masks indoors at church that meet CDC guidelines,
- to protect those unable to be vaccinated, all staff and volunteers working indoors with children under 12 years old are required to wear a mask.
- There is no longer required registration for Sunday morning worship.
- We have removed any remaining capacity restrictions on activities indoors, asking congregants and staff alike to exercise good judgment in how we host gatherings at the church.
- Starting Sunday, May 23, masks will be encouraged but not required indoors.
- These are welcomed steps toward normalcy that grant more freedom toward personal comfort and assumption of risk, and with those steps, may each of us maintain a posture of grace and forbearance toward those who may approach this delicate time differently.
SHPC Family,
Your Church Health Task Force remains grateful for the patience and forbearance you have shown as we have sought to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. With more people being vaccinated every day, but also acknowledging that we’re not out of the woods just yet, the CHTF, under the authority of the Session, determined that the time was right to loosen a number of precautions we have been following, while still maintaining some reasonable precautions.
In general, we consider this a step more toward personal assumption of risk and comfort level. The following are some of the main changes, but check with the church office or church staff for other details.
Gratefully in Christ, Dottie Arnett Laurette Beekman Elise Denneny Rachel Hamburger Jay Howell Klair Kimmey Mark Lampley Katie McHargue Jim Mitchell Sheila White
Worship (including Weddings and Funerals)
- Capacity for worship services in sanctuary and Barron Hall (if 8:30 service is moved indoors) increased to 150 people.
- Registration still encouraged, but not required unless we reach capacity through registrations.
- No further temperature screening required.
- 11:00 Worship in Sanctuary: Households encouraged to maintain three feet of separation, but otherwise seating will not be actively regulated. Bulletins and communion elements would be picked up at the entrances.
- Entrance into sanctuary open from the turnaround, Tower, and Spitzer building.
Gatherings and Meetings Indoors, Non-Worship:
- Gatherings and meetings as desired by SHPC committees, groups, and ministries can meet in all areas of the church building with a maximum of 20 people.
- Meetings would follow normal (i.e. pre-pandemic) process of calendar registration and building access but without requirements for temperature screening or attendance forms for contact tracing.
- Larger capacities apply for larger spaces in the church. Check with church office or church staff for details.
Gatherings and Meetings Outdoors, Non-Worship:
- No maximum number of people for outdoor activities.
- Attendees would bring their own lawn chairs or would themselves be responsible for bringing out SHPC chairs (from Barron Hall, for example) and placing them back afterward.
- Meetings would follow normal (i.e. pre-pandemic) procedure for calendar registration, but without requirements for temperature screening or attendance forms for contact tracing.
- Masks still required for any gathering indoors. Masks optional for gatherings outdoors.
- A sanitized space would not be guaranteed for all meeting spaces for use throughout the week.
- The following exceptions would apply:
- Fowler: The Fowler room would be a reserved “sanitized space” for groups preferring a bit more assurance. Therefore Fowler would have somewhat tighter restrictions, such as requiring time in between any meetings in order for space to be sanitized.
- Sanctuary, Chapel, and Barron Hall would be sanitized ahead of any anticipated worship services, but not necessarily for other gatherings in those spaces. Sanitization for worship may impact these spaces’ availability for other uses.
- Spitzer Building: Spaces to be used for Sunday School or Nursery would be sanitized ahead of Sunday morning, as well as the hallway leading to the sanctuary. Sanitization for Sunday School may impact these spaces’ availability for other uses.
Staff and Church Office Hours
- Church staff still given the option to work remotely, as comfortable.
- Regular church office hours would resume.
Update: August 31, 2020 –OUTDOOR MEETING SPACE
Good news. Starting September 13, if your group, committee, or class would like to resume meeting at the church, here’s how we’re taking this next step:
• Scheduled and approved in-person activities will be held outdoors until further notice. Click HERE to register for an outdoor space.
• Your group or committee would register on the church calendar like you normally would.
• All attendees would need to be recorded and submitted to the church office for possible contact tracing.
• Please bring your own chairs/seating.
• Maintain physical distancing of six feet between those of different households.
• For groups of <10 people, masks encouraged but not required.
• For groups of 11-25 people, masks are required.
• For groups of >25 people, we’ll need to wait a little longer.
Update: June 30, 2020 –CHURCH OFFICE HOURS
Starting Monday, July 6, our church office will maintain open hours 9 AM – 12 PM, Monday through Friday. During these hours, a staff member will be available to take phone calls, and various staff members may be working at the church, following various protocols to maintain everyone’s safety.
A few added notes for measures we’ll need to take during office hours:
- Essential Business and Appointments Only: At this time the church office will be open for essential business only, and any activities like committee meetings, Bible studies, or other groups are encouraged to continue to meet remotely or off-site, following previous guidelines. For the time being, we will need to wait a little longer before we can responsibly host activities at the church or even more casual “drop-in” visits
- Masks: Staff members will be wearing masks when not in their personal offices, and for our staff’s safety, we ask that any visitors wear a mask while at the church as well.
- One Entrance/Exit: In order to properly record contact and do necessary screening, all visitors during open hours please enter the church through the main office door.
- Working Remotely: During open hours, a staff member will be present to answer the phone and office door, but all other staff members will have the option to be present in the church office or to continue working remotely as they feel comfortable.
Update: June 23, 2020 – NEW 8:30 WORSHIP SERVICE
Starting Sunday, June 28, we will begin a second worship service on Sunday mornings on the Patio between Barron Hall and the Church Office.
A few things to note as far as details for this service:
- Format and Length: It will be similar to the 11:00 service in structure but our aim is to keep it fairly simple, more relaxed, and a bit shorter—probably about 35-45 minutes long.
- Seating: Worshipers are asked to bring their own lawn chairs or picnic blankets and to spread out in the front lawn, maintaining proper physical distancing of at least six feet between households.
- Face Coverings: Masks are encouraged, out of consideration for the safety of everyone gathered, but because the service it’s outdoors, they are not required.
- Music: We will be led in music by our worship leaders, but we’ll refrain for now from congregational singing. Because it’s a different setting, we may include different music from the 11:00 in future weeks as well.
- Number: There is not at this time a set maximum number for this outdoor service.
- Registration: We ask that any who would come to this service still register online. Registration helps us keep track of who is present without passing an attendance pad. Should someone test positive for COVID later on, we have to do our part to help with contact tracing. If you’re not able to register in advance for the 8:30 service, we ask that you be sure to register you and your household when you arrive.
- Childcare: We regret that we are still unable to provide nursery care or childcare during the service at this time. Children of all ages are welcome to join as you feel comfortable!
- Weather: If bad weather is probable, we will notify cancellation of the service via church-wide email early Sunday morning. If bad weather is only possible (you never know in the South) we may adjust the placement of the worship service but still keep it outdoors. At this time, moving the service indoors in case of bad weather is not an option due to sanitization demands and ventiliation for what could be a larger crowd.
- At-Risk Individuals: Similar to the 11:00 service, we encourage any who would potentially be more susceptible to COVID-19 (whether by age or health condition) to continue to worship online, but we leave this decision up to the individuals.
The 11:00 service will continue to be livestreamed and available for in-person worship under the same guidelines as before.