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We GLORIFY God through ministry, prayer and worship,
and CELEBRATE the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Sundays at SHPC

Worship Services are at 8:45 Front Lawn/Barron Hall and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Click HERE to watch the 11:00 service live or to view archived services.

  • Assisted Listening System devices:  If you have trouble hearing the service, devices are available at the back of the Sanctuary for your use. These small units broadcast from our sound system and are received on a small handheld device with an earphone. You can adjust the volume to suit your needs. If you already use one and still have trouble hearing the service, talk to an usher and/or notify the church office.
  • Children’s Worship: Children & Worship is offered to children ages four to second grade during the 11:00 Service. Participating children will go to worship with their families. Following Children’s Time, children go with an adult leader to the Children & Worship area located below the Sanctuary. All children should be picked up immediately following the service.
  • Worship Committee Mission Statement: Our purpose is to worship, glorify, and honor God by gathering together as a community of believers where the faithful are equipped for God’s service in the world. Our corporate worship will be reverent and mindful of our devotion and service to God as we read Scripture, celebrate the Sacraments, praise God in song, confess our sins, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to enhance the worship experience and encourage the people to participate fully and regularly in the worship life of the church, so that all will be renewed by the Holy Spirit and grow as disciples of Christ.

Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.

  • Adult Fellowship (Room 320): Mostly young adults.
  • Bible Discovery (Chapel and Zoom): Adults of all ages. 
  • Biblical Imagery (Room 317): Adults of all ages.
  • Faith Gatherings (Reception Room): Mostly middle-age adults.
  • Faith Practices (Room 322): Mostly middle-age and older adults.   

Click HERE for Children’s Ministries | Click HERE for Youth Ministries


The Adult (Chancel) Choir is led by Andrew Skoog, and consists of SHPC members along with several talented scholarship students. The choir leads the 11:00 Worship Service every Sunday morning.

    • Join the Chancel Choir: Only a love of music is required! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 in the Choir Room. Email Andrew for more information.
    • CLICK HERE for concert video.
    • Join chancel choir, email Andrew.
    • KidsPraise Choir begins in August, but your child(ren) may join at any time. The choir is led by Kate Smith and our music ministry interns. Email for more information.




The Adult (Chancel) Choir is led by Andrew Skoog, and consists of SHPC members along with several talented scholarship students. The choir leads the 11:00 Worship Service every Sunday morning.

    • Join the Chancel Choir: Only a love of music is required! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 in the Choir Room. Email Andrew for more information.
    • Children’s Choirs consist of the Joyful Noise Choir (K-2nd grade), led by Karen Lampley and the Joyful Praise Choir (3rd-6th grades), led by Jussara Horton. The choirs perform during various worship services, at concerts, and during a special performance in May. Rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 at the church.
    • Registration begins in August, but your child(ren) may join at any time.

Email Karen or Jussara for more information.

Flower Guild

Prayer and Purpose:

O Lord, help us return the beauty of nature which Thou hast given to beautify the church for Thy greater glory. 

The purpose of the Flower Guild is to enhance worship services in the church by bringing fresh flowers arranged by members to the Sanctuary. The presence of flowers symbolized Christ’s victory over death. Each time we arrange flowers we experience the joy and privilege of taking a beautiful and precious gift from God and creating a living offering to Him.

  • Join the Guild: Each person brings a special and unique talent to the committee’s work whether as an experienced arranger or a first-time arranger. If you would like to use your time and talent by serving on the Flower Guild, please email Adrianne McPeake. You will be assigned to work with an experienced member of the Guild.
  • Provide a Flower Arrangement: If you would like to provide flowers on a Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one (or for a special event such as a baptism), please contact the church office to see if your preferred Sunday is available. The cost is $150 for one arrangement and $200 for two.

Questions? Email Kathryn Callaway.


Baptism as Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church is a celebration of God’s witness to us in this place and time, and is the sign and seal of our incorporation into Jesus Christ. 

As there is one body, there is one Baptism. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recognizes all baptisms with water in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit administered by other Christian churches. God’s faithfulness to use is sure, even when human faithfulness to God is not. God’s grace is sufficient; therefore, Baptism is not repeated. There are many times in worship, however, when we may remember the gift of our baptism and acknowledge the grace of God continually at work in us.

The Sacrament of Baptism takes place during either Sunday morning Worship Service, and is performed by any of the three pastors.

To schedule a baptism, the first step is to reach out to the pastor you would like to officiate either by calling the church office or by email. Call 522-9804 or email Jay Howell or Mark Lampley.

(Pastor Mark gives advice about remembering your child’s baptism CLICK HERE.)

Both believers and their children are included in God’s covenant love.  The Baptism of of believers witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls for our grateful response. The baptism of our young people witnesses to the truth that God claims people in love even before they are able to respond in faith. These two forms of witness are one and the same Sacrament (Book of Order W-3.0402)


We are honored that you are considering SHPC for your wedding. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges. All weddings at SHPC are conducted in a manner appropriate to this covenant. Click on the “Wedding Policy” button below for more detailed information about weddings at SHPC. Click on the “Wedding Request” button to provide us with more information and to request a specific date.